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Contact Us ➜Frequently Asked Questions about Valleyview Residence
When did Valleyview open?
December 15, 2004.
Who owns and operates the home?
Advent Health Care Corporation.
Is the home For-Profit or Not-for-Profit?
Valleyview Residence is a not-for-profit home.
How many residents does the home have?
A total of 174 residents.
What is the wait time to get into the home?
Unfortunately, we cannot provide a specific answer to this question. There are many considerations that impact the wait time. Ontario Health atHome maintains the waitlist for Valleyview and manages who is offered a bed at our home.
How many floors does the home have?
Four floors. However, the ground floor does not have any resident rooms, only the second, third and fourth floors have residents and each floor has two units.
How many residents on a unit?
There are no more than 30 residents to a unit.
How do you determine where a prospective resident is placed?
Valleyview does not group residents based on cognition. Residents of varying cognitive and physical abilities live on all floors. 4 East is designated for behaviours that require an assessment. Rooms on all other floors are filled by the next person on the list that is suitable (Note; gender is considered for placement in a basic room because the bathroom is shared).
What can be found in a unit?
Each unit has its own dining room, lounge, bathing area and nurses station, activities room, resident laundry room and balcony(s).
Does Valleyview follow any special dietary requirements?
Since the home is affiliated with Seventh-day Adventist Church, we follow their dietary guidelines which means we do not serve pork, shellfish, or any stimulants (not serve or permit any alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea are decaffeinated), and we serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals with up to four choices. Valleyview Residence is not a Kosher and not a Halal equipped facility, and we do not provide and/or serve kosher and/or Halal meals.
Does the home offer laundry service and is there an additional charge?
We provide laundry service (label clothing) at no additional charge. For your convenience, each unit has a resident laundry room.
What types of rooms does the home have? We have 3 types of rooms:
- Private room (one person)which includes: a full closet, a lockable bedside table, bed with a matching headboard and footboard (electrical bed), a plate shelf, a wingback chair and a private bathroom. Pressure pedic mattress to prevent skin breakdown will be provided only if required per Physiotherapist’s assessment.
- Basic room (one person) which includes: a full closet, a bedside table, bed with a matching headboard and footboard (electrical bed), an armchair and a shared bathroom. Pressure pedic mattress to prevent skin breakdown will be provided only if required per Physiotherapist’s assessment.
- Shared Basic room (two-person or couples room) which is two basic rooms with a partial wall dividing the rooms, a shared bathroom, two closets. Each room has a bed with a matching headboard and footboard (electrical bed), an armchair and bedside table. Pressure pedic mattress to prevent skin breakdown will be provided only if required per Physiotherapist’s assessment.
Should the resident bring furniture?
We strongly encourage residents to only bring new furniture in order to mitigate any potential risks of outbreaks. Please contact our Resident & Family Relations Coordinator if you have any questions, concerns or require special accommodations.
How often does bathing occur?
Bathing occurs twice a week in a central bathing area (shower room and tub room); residents are always with a staff member during bathing times.
How often and where do activities take place?
Activities take place on the unit generally twice a day; one in the unit and one facility-wide program in the multi-purpose room.
Does Valleyview allow Private Companions, hired by the family, stay with the residents?
Yes. Families must communicate this request to the Resident & Family Relations Coordinator and/or Resident Care Manager as there are specific requirements prior to a private caregiver/companion being permitted to Home.
How many staff are on the units?
- Day Shift: 1 Registered Staff per unit (RN or RPN) and 3 Personal Support Workers (PSW) per unit
- Evening Shift: 1 Registered Staff per unit (RN or RPN) and 3 PSW per unit
- Night Shift: 1 Registered Staff (RN or RPN) for the floor and 3 PSW for the floor
How is medical service by doctors provided?
Each unit has an assigned medical doctor who visits and checks residents at least once a week.
Can the resident retain his/her own doctor?
What common facilities are in the home?
On the ground floor, there is a large lounge area (Town Centre), a unisex hair salon, a chapel, a library, and our multi-purpose room.
What other services are available?
- Resident & Family Support
- Chaplain Services
- Physiotherapy On-site
- Volunteer Program
- Laboratory Services (twice a week)
- Dietitian Services
What other services are available at an additional cost to the resident?
- Cable Television
- Telephone Service
- Optometry Service
- Chiropodist (Foot Care) Service
- Dental Service
- Salon Services